13 Project Management Hacks

Are you afraid to look at your to-do list because a big scary project is lurking there? Maybe it’s writing your memoirs or cleaning out the garage. Maybe you want to do it or feel like it’s an obligation you can’t wiggle out of. Whatever the case, it’s draining your confidence and productivity.

Reclaim your peace of mind by learning how to jumpstart stubborn projects. Look at these suggestions to help you move ahead and avoid future impasses.

How to Get a Stuck Project Moving:

  1. Break it down. Divide a massive project into little pieces. Create intermediate deadlines and milestones where you can evaluate your progress. The process will look more manageable when you separate each task and component.
  2. Start somewhere. Take a first step. You can begin with the most straightforward job or the top priority. Once you create some momentum, it will be easier to keep going.
  3. Identify your peak hoursWork on challenging tasks when you are at your maximum capacity. Being a morning person could mean putting in a couple of hours before your day job. If you prefer evenings, ensure you stop before bedtime.
  4. Ask for help. We can accomplish more when we collaborate with others. Exchange services with a colleague so you can cover the areas where you shine and find support for where you need to grow. 
  5. Minimize distractions. Make it easier to hunker down. Move away from the phone, snacks, and video games. Please stay off the internet unless you need it for your work.
  6. Take a break. On the other hand, you may need some strategic time off. Stop thinking about your project for a day or two so you can view it with fresh eyes.
  7. Assess the costs. Increase your motivation by calculating how much it costs to neglect a particular activity. Are you losing money or other things you value?
  8. Focus on rewards. Above all, think about how good it will feel to complete your project. Give yourself a treat, or bask in the sense of accomplishment. 
  9. Acknowledge your fears. It’s natural to feel apprehensive about any endeavor where you have a lot at stake. Facing your doubts will help you to deal with them. Give yourself credit for taking sensible risks instead of expecting perfection. Clarify the situation. Spend adequate time on the planning process so you’ll understand the scope of your project. That way, you’ll know where you’re headed and your needed resources.
  10. Be realistic. Set challenging but attainable goals. Set yourself up for success.
  11. Avoid burnout. If you’re feeling irritable and tired before starting, you may need to step back temporarily. Take care of your health, reach out to your loved ones, and be gentle with yourself while you recharge. A delayed start can save time if you’re preparing for tomorrow.
  12. Check your schedule. How much is on your plate already? Be willing to scratch something else off your to-do list if you need time and resources for a significant undertaking.

Adjusting your attitude and work methods can help you forge ahead with projects that used to linger around like the smell of burnt popcorn. Figure out what’s behind your procrastination, and devote your time and energy to your top priorities. You’ll soon be checking that sticky project off your list.

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