Self Improvement Books

15 Sure Signs That You Are On The Right Path

The path the author explores is one of a balanced life. Using a fait bit of Eastern philosophy and general understandings of your own values and approaches, the author asks questions and guides pathfinding. The book is more to identify if you are on the wrong path, but the approach is positive and reinforcing – thus, the other side of that coin is presented in the title. A decent read.

Chasing Comets: A Little Story About a Powerful Way to Live

The book teaches life lessons of the Law of Attraction, giving, compassion, mindfulness, and gratitude written in an engaging story style. A quick and easy read that will give you a lot to think about.


Excellent straight talk and actionable advice on public speaking and audience engagement. Useful for small groups to larger audiences, with a good list of resources and checklists. Nice add to the library.

Primate Change

A phenomenal book covering the history and evolution of the human body. Written with a perspective of a physiologist and an anthropologist, the book will open your eyes to the basics of human health in the modern age. One of the most interesting books on the topic I’ve read. A great read.

Resucceed: Create an Extraordinary Future While You Sleep by Using the 5-Minute Epic Evening Ritual

Often, we find ourselves superficially successful but feeling unfulfilled. Colburn recognizes and addresses this issue holistically and emphasizing spiritual and personal development. A great read.

The Calling Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Purpose and Pursuing Your Dream Job

A calling is more than, and different from, a job. The book covers that and makes you think about your calling, role in the world, and how to explore it. Good resource.

Work Smarter Not Harder: 18 Productivity Tips That Boost Your Work Day Performance

This quick Read is full of useful productivity tools and tips that will improve your quality of life. I’m a senior exec and still need lots of work optimizing my productivity, and this quick read served as both a reminder and provided a few useful tips. Good read.


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