Can You Fight The IRS?

There comes a time when many Americans must take action against the IRS. The IRS can come down swiftly and without mercy against taxpayers for issues ranging from simple mistakes to genuine tax evasion. When such a situation occurs, usually in the form of an audit and followed by possible federal prosecution, it becomes necessary to stand up to the IRS. As many experts will tell you, knowing the proper steps and doing things the right way can make battling the IRS very valuable.

Every year, honest, tax-paying Americans worry that the IRS will audit their income tax return. The number of audits has increased significantly in recent years, lending its hand even further to the worry and stress. Audits can lead to significant fees and even criminal prosecution. Such a situation can become ugly very quickly.

However, many Americans don’t realize that they can fight the IRS. And not only can they fight, but often they can emerge with some victory. Recent studies have shown that over 41% of Americans who took their cases to the IRS’s appeals division won at least some relief, while others had their penalties wiped out completely. Not only this, but countless other Americans have fought cases against the IRS in district courts and emerged victorious. 

What this means for the average American is that the IRS shouldn’t worry you too much. An audit can be terrifying and occur at any time. However, as long as you did file your taxes honestly, there are many venues you can look to for help. Research online or offline, and find a good tax lawyer to represent you. Whatever steps you take, do NOT talk to the IRS yourself. Your statements are evidence against you, and you may inadvertently provide evidence the IRS has no right to obtain. 

You will be surprised at your chances of defeating the IRS and having your penalties reduced or eliminated. Battling the IRS can be a precious tool for many Americans seeking tax relief. 

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