IRS Audit Advice You Can Use

Oh no! It would be best if you had audit advice. You just received a notification in the mail that the IRS will audit you. What now? How do you respond to this, and should you have a heart attack now? While many people lose it as soon as they realize that the IRS will… Continue reading IRS Audit Advice You Can Use

Categorized as Tax

Can You Fight The IRS?

There comes a time when many Americans must take action against the IRS. The IRS can come down swiftly and without mercy against taxpayers for issues ranging from simple mistakes to genuine tax evasion. When such a situation occurs, usually in the form of an audit and followed by possible federal prosecution, it becomes necessary… Continue reading Can You Fight The IRS?

Categorized as Tax

Tax Issues for Expats

First, tax information about moving overseas is essential because it allows people to budget their finances. When a person moves overseas, the experience would be like beginning a new life. This means every detail, especially finances, needs to be considered.  Some people, when they are anticipating expenses, tend to forget taxes. Although people hate paying… Continue reading Tax Issues for Expats

Rental Real Estate Tax Deductions Explained

Are You Getting All Your Deductions?

As a landlord, you will want to ensure you take advantage of all the tax benefits you can receive by owning a property. There are many other deductions than just the obvious ones. Expenses incurred to cancel a lease, reimbursements to renters for expenses they have incurred, and many others exist. Make sure you are… Continue reading Rental Real Estate Tax Deductions Explained

What Is A Capital Gains Tax?

Capital Gains is a federal tax on capital accumulation, investment, and productivity. Some income subject to capital gains tax includes selling an investment, a home, a family business, a farm or ranch, or even a work of art. The capital gains tax is applied to the difference between the price paid for an item and… Continue reading What Is A Capital Gains Tax?

Categorized as Finance, Tax

Common Employer Payroll Tax Concerns

Are You Getting All Your Deductions?

Let’s face it, taxes are complicated, especially if you own a small business. Read below about tax concerns to avoid some of the most common pitfalls experienced by small business owners today. As your business grows, you will probably need to hire employees. Some of the most common tax concerns involve employee tax issues. When… Continue reading Common Employer Payroll Tax Concerns

Categorized as Tax

Compromising With The IRS?

Few things threaten your well-being, like the harassment and anxiety of persistent tax problems. Most people make three mistakes that get them in trouble with the IRS. They procrastinate. They attempt to represent themselves. They hire sub-par representation and need more help than ever before. A Tax Attorney can provide these services: Offer in Compromise… Continue reading Compromising With The IRS?

Categorized as Tax
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