Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

People know who they have the potential to be. The challenge is seeing that process through. Self-development is an art. It takes time. It requires patience. It asks you to step outside your comfort zone. It is challenging — and that’s the point. However, the process is the biggest challenge when it comes to self-development. People struggle with… Continue reading Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

How to be 1% Better Every Day

“Compounding is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.” — Albert Einstein. Becoming a better version of yourself often feels like a roller coaster ride. It’s hard. And it’s usually so uneven. You can fail. But life is a journey, not a marathon, so you always have another opportunity to restart and improve. Many people… Continue reading How to be 1% Better Every Day

What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

  There’s a paradox with self-improvement, and it is this: the ultimate goal of all self-improvement is to reach the point where you no longer feel the need to improve yourself. Think about it: The whole goal of improving your productivity is to reach the point where you never have to think about how to be more… Continue reading What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

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