Overcome Change Resistance!

Your instincts will often kick in and tell you to resist change. This might happen without you even noticing it. This happens because the body and mind always seek stability and balance.

However, the world is ever-changing whether you like it or not. If you don’t learn to change with it, your life will eventually become stale and unexciting. If everything stays the same your whole life, you won’t reach your ultimate calling, and your happiness and success will be mediocre at best.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to learn to conquer your resistance to change. You’ll learn that it doesn’t have to be a substantial insurmountable task; you can work slowly and efficiently to allow the change into your life gradually.

Instigate Changes Daily

One thing you can do to start getting used to the idea of change is to familiarize yourself with the feeling daily. These don’t need significant changes, but you’ll see life differently when you try to step out of your comfort zone a little each day.

When you make small changes, you’ll evolve your daily routine. You’ll discover quicker and more efficient ways of doing things. Also, since you’re engaging in small changes, it won’t feel as shocking to you, and you likely won’t feel an intense urge to resist.

The small changes can be as simple as trying different kinds of toothpaste or reorganizing your computer’s files differently. They seem like tedious tasks, but this will set you up for a renewed mindset.

Take A Different Route To Work

You may be used to taking the same route to work every day simply because it’s the shortest. Your brain becomes so used to the routine that you’re on autopilot.

Taking a different route may take longer to get there, but it’ll open you up to change. You’ll have to consider where you’re driving and remain aware of your surroundings.

Eat Different Foods

You may think that you already know what you like and don’t like. It’s easy to fall into the routine of eating the same meals each and every week. However, your diet can be an excellent way to bring about change in your life in a non-threatening way.

There are endless recipes and combinations of food out there. There are also many styles and cultures available when cooking your food. You can make a goal to try adding something new to your diet every week. You may not enjoy what you eat, but when trying 52 new meals per year, you’re bound to find some new gems!

Remind Yourself What Change Has Brought You

At the end of the day, remember all the wonderful new experiences and relationships that change has brought you. While there are inevitably bad things, there are sure to be many great things. When you concentrate on the positive, you’ll keep a good attitude.

Keep in mind that change is good for you. Since nothing in life is static, you need to make change a regular part of your life. It would be best if you could move forward to reach your ultimate goals. When you do, you’ll find that you’re happier and more fulfilled in life!